History of Western Rule in Greek Lands: Latin Domination

Course Code
ECTS Credits
Εξάμηνο Η
Course Category
Ιστορίας και Διαχείρισης Πολιτισμικών Αγαθών

Dr. Photeine Perra, Associate Professor

Course Description

A survey of the period with emphasis from the Third and Fourth Crusades (conquest of Cyprus, A.D. 1191; fall of Constantinople, A.D. 1204) to the early Ottoman-Venetian wars of the late 15th-early 16th centuries (beginnings of Ottoman annexation); the later Latin states in Greece (to the late 18th century) and Latin rule in Cyprus (until the Ottoman conquest of A.D. 1570/71-survey of the Lusignan and Venetian eras).
Primary sources (Greek-Latin-old French-old Italian-Catalan) and main bibliography on the period’s developments; analysis of the generic term Latin Domination/ Latinokratia and its derivatives in the post-1191/92/1204 A.D. period (Frankish Domination / “Frankokratia”; Venetian Domination / “Venetokratia”; Lombard Domination/ “Lomvardokratia”; Genoese Domination / “Genouatokratia”; Catalan Domination / “Katalanokratia”; Hospitaller Domination / “Ippotokratia”; Florentine Domination / “Florentinokratia”-the Accaiuolis; Italian Domination / “Italokratia” -the Toccos, etc.
Relations between the Latin states and other powers of the southeastern Mediterranean, as well as among themselves; relations between the Greek and Latin clergy; social/economic conditions and development of feudal institutions in Latin-dominated lands in Greece and Cyprus.
The course, which aims at a comprehensive parallel knowledge of the period with contemporary events in later Byzantium as well as in Greek lands under Ottoman rule since the second half of the 15th century, includes a compulsory assignment for the students on a chosen topic.